Contracting Unlimited : About Us

Contracting Unlimited was founded by Russell Whitmer in 1974 erecting metal buildings and installing foundations. Russell expanded Contracting Unlimited's services to site concrete in 1978. In 1987, Contracting Unlimited incorporated and bought its first of five Power Curber 5700 curb machines. The addition of the curb machine increased production on job sites. In 1990, Contracting Unlimited, Inc. purchased its second curb machine which allowed it to pour curb on two job sites in one day.

In 1996, Contracting Unlimited, Inc. purchased a Gradall to assist in projects that required removal and replacement of old curbs and sidewalks. Also, a Power Curber 5700B curb machine was purchased. The 5700B allowed us to expand our services to pouring sidewalks and paved ditches. In 1999, CUI bought another 5700B. This allowed us to have curb machine on four different jobs at the same time. In 2006, CUI bought its fifth curb machine, the Power Curber 5700 Super B.

Contracting Unlimited, Inc. is a leader in improving the use of the curb machines. CUI was the first in the State of Virginia to use the curb machine to pour sidewalk on a bridge deck with modification of a sidewalk mold.

With the experience of our leadership and the hard work of our employees, Contracting Unlimited, Inc. continues to grow and remains one of the most successful concrete contractors in Virginia.